A-Train Systems

Model Railroad Electronics and Control


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User Guides, schematics, and other documents relating to A-Track and the various projects described elsewhere are available for download as Portable Document Format (PDF) files. If you do not have a copy already installed, a PDF document reader to view these files is available free from Adobe by clicking on the link below -

Get Adobe Reader

A-Track for Windows - Previous Downloads

Important : If you are using Norton or other security programs on your computer, you may find that files downloaded from this page are erroneously flagged as a threat, or even quarantined, possibly with the threat classified as "WS.Reputation1". This does NOT mean that the files are infected with any form of virus or other malicious software, but simply that the files are new to the Internet, and have not been downloaded by many people so far. The reasoning behind this classification is explained on the Norton website at https://community.norton.com/en/forums/clarification-wsreputation1-detection or you can use Google or another search engine to check on the meaning of "WS.Reputation1".

Unfortunately, as a very small software developer, A-Train Systems has no influence with Norton or the other major security software providers to change this behaviour, but can only assure you that no files here contain malware nor pose any kind of danger to your computer. This also applies with some other Internet security suites and types of browser, which may display warnings when you try to download the A-Track Setup executable file, in particular, or even block the transfer. In case of continued difficulty, please use the Contact form to request further assistance.

Website Re-Hosting - Following the transfer of this website to a new server on 9 February 2021, the Help Menu / Check for Updates feature in those releases below which have it, earlier than release 4.4.325, will no longer work, and may hang indefinitely if used. To avoid problems, set the Check for Updates frequency in these releases to "Never".

Note that, in all versions, the full text of all sections of the Reference Manual are available from within A-Track as context-sensitive Help pages. Pressing the F1 key at any time when running A-Track will open a Help page directly relevant to whichever program function you are currently using.

PDF File

A-Track User Guide - Release 4.4.3

1 970 KB

PDF File

A-Track Reference Manual - Release 4.4.3

25 717 KB

A-Track EXE File

A-Track Release 4.4.325 - Setup File

42 656 KB

ZIP File

A-Track Release 4.4.325 - Full Installation Package

146 880 KB

A-Track EXE File

A-Track Release 4.4.321 - Setup File

42 656 KB

ZIP File

A-Track Release 4.4.321 - Full Installation Package

146 714 KB

A-Track EXE File

A-Track Release 4.4.316 - Setup File

42 656 KB

ZIP File

A-Track Release 4.4.316 - Full Installation Package

146 714 KB

PDF File

A-Track Documentation Changes - Release 4.4.208

130 KB

A-Track EXE File

A-Track Release 4.4.208 - Setup File

38 379 KB

ZIP File

A-Track Release 4.4.208 - Full Installation Package

138 042 KB

PDF File

A-Track Documentation Changes - Release 4.4.206

126 KB

A-Track EXE File

A-Track Release 4.4.206 - Setup File

38 378 KB

ZIP File

A-Track Release 4.4.206 - Full Installation Package

139 037 KB

PDF File

Installation Notes - A-Track Release 4.4.1

767 KB

PDF File

A-Track User Guide - Release 4.4.1

2 034 KB

PDF File

A-Track Reference Manual - Release 4.4.1

22 177 KB

A-Track EXE File

A-Track Release 4.4.196 - Setup File

38 372 KB

ZIP File

A-Track Release 4.4.1 - Full Installation Package

138 915 KB

If an earlier version of A-Track is already installed on your computer, you should uninstall it before starting installation of the new version above (this is done most easily from Start Menu / All Programs / A-Track/ Uninstall or, in Windows 8 or 10 if using the Start Screen, right-click on the A-Track tile , then select Uninstall). Windows 11 hides the Uninstall link, so type 'Uninstall' into the Search box then select Control Panel from the given options - click on 'Uninstall a Program' and, finally, select A-Track).


As an alternative to downloading the A-Track Full Installation Package, an installation CD can be made available for purchase at a cost of $15 (approx £12), inclusive of shipping worldwide. Payment can be made safely and securely via PayPal, using any credit or debit card, even if you do not have a PayPal account. Please use the Contact form to request an installation CD, stating clearly the version of software required.


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Copyright © JT Chamberlain 2004-2023  All rights reserved
All trademarks and logos used in these pages are the property of their respective holders
Page Last Updated 04 June 2023