A-Train Systems

Model Railroad Electronics and Control


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Request Support or Report a Problem with A-Track -

If you encounter any problems in using A-Track, such as when the program does not behave in the way you expect or produces an incorrect result, then please use the form below to send full details. It would be very much appreciated if you could carefully check the User Guide, Reference Manual, or Help pages before reporting a problem, just in case you have misinterpreted the way in which A-Track is supposed to work . . .

Every request or problem will be investigated and you will get a response as soon as possible. Where appropriate, any necessary modifications or corrections will be incorporated in a future release of A-Track, and you will be informed when this has been done.

Priority will be given to requests for support or problem resolution from registered A-Track users.

You are also very welcome to propose any improvements you would like to see in the way A-Track operates, or in the features or facilities provided by the program.

Please ensure that your Name, A-Track Version and Serial Number, and your e-mail address below are completed accurately. A valid e-mail address is required in order to respond to your request or report.

If details of your Windows operating system type and build number, or of your NCE system and software version, have not been entered automatically, then please type into the System and NCE System Type fields the version of Windows and type of NCE Command Station, respectively, that you are using with A-Track.

Build details and Software Version can be left blank although, if you are using an NCE USB Interface, it is useful to know if this is the older Version 6 or the current Version 7.

Finally, enter the 6-character security code (numbers and upper- or lower-case letters on the random background), then click  Submit  to send your support request or problem report -

Optionally, add one or two attachments (documents, drawings, photographs or screenshots)
Attachments should be less than 8 MBytes in size, and preferably smaller
      - larger files will not be accepted or sent

Can't read, or are unsure of the characters ?  Click Refresh as often as you like to get a new set -  

A copy of the message (without attachments) will be sent to your e-mail address.

Note that A-Train Systems will not under any circumstances divulge your e-mail address to any other person or organisation, and will only use the address you have provided to acknowledge your support request and to inform you of any consequent updates to the A-Track software.

If you have any other comments regarding A-Track or anything else on the website, then you are very welcome to forward them using the Contact form.

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Page Last Updated 20 January 2024